1. What conditions do you treat?

Dani’s Garden provides comprehensive treatment for disordered eating through therapeutic coaching, mental health coaching, therapeutic art, Integrative holistic nutrition, skills development, movement, and holistic approaches to support individuals on their journey to recovery. Eating disorders are clinically diagnosed conditions characterized by severe disturbances in eating behaviors, while disordered eating refers to irregular eating patterns that don’t meet the criteria for an eating disorder diagnosis. Additionally, our specialized treatment team addresses other comorbid disorders that often accompany eating disorders and disordered eating, such as substance use and pregnancy, ensuring a well-rounded approach to care. We do not diagnose eating disorders and will work as part of your treatment team in other programs.

2. What's the difference between eating disorders and disordered eating?

Eating disorders are clinically diagnosable conditions, whereas disordered eating refers to abnormal eating patterns that don't meet the criteria for an eating disorder diagnosis. It's important to note that not all individuals with an eating disorder exhibit disordered eating patterns; however, untreated disordered eating may progress to a diagnosable eating disorder. Treatment for disordered eating can be viewed as a preventative measure.

3. What other conditions commonly accompany disordered eating?

Disordered eating can include a range of behaviors that vary from person to person. At DG, we encounter diverse disordered eating behaviors, which is why we dedicate time to form specific groups to address common issues or those akin to them. Common behaviors we observe include adherence to fad diets, an intense focus on appearance, meal skipping, diet pill usage, excessive attention to social media, food hoarding, severe under-eating, challenges post-weight loss surgery, among others.

4. Do you offer treatment for professionals who may be triggered while treating others?

Certainly, we provide support for professionals experiencing triggers during treatment. Recognizing that we all have human struggles, Dani's Garden offers a secure and confidential environment to transition from recovery to being fully recovered.

5. What are the most common aspects of disordered eating that resurface during recovery?

Life events such as weddings, grief, marriage, pregnancy, new jobs, starting college, changing schools, or shifts in socioeconomic status can be uncontrollable stressors. These events may trigger disordered eating behaviors. However, before this occurs, there is an opportunity to explore thoughts and fears and manage them in a healthy way. 

6. Do you accept insurance, and how does that process work?

We do not accept insurance because mental health insurance typically only covers conditions that are diagnosable under the DSM. Dani's Garden is a coaching program that offers internationally competitive, cost-effective treatment. We provide two scholarships annually and short-term payment plans for those who meet the minimum qualifications.

7. Do you treat military personnel? 

We provide treatment for military personnel and their families who are dealing with eating disorders and disordered eating, accessible on a global scale. It is crucial to address these issues because military life can present unique stressors and challenges that may contribute to the development or exacerbation of such conditions. Moreover, ensuring the health and well-being of military members and their families supports overall readiness and resilience.

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