Choose Dani’s Garden

Dani's Garden

CEO’s Message

Hello loves! Mirroring any other facet of our lives there are no two patterns of disordered eating that are alike. This is why Dani’s Garden is working to encompass your type of disordered eating and work with you to a be fully recovered. By incorporating the ‘whole person’ concept we can learn more about your disordered eating, it’s function in your life, and help you unlearn negative thoughts and behaviors that have been normalized and incorporated into daily practice.

Disordered eating is a significant pattern of irregular eating behaviors that does not warrant a diagnosis of a specific eating disorder. Not addressing issues associated with disordered eating could lead to the development of an eating disorder; however, not everyone with an eating disorder has disordered eating.

Sometimes we get stuck with the question of what’s the difference between disordered eating and an eating disorder. One major difference between disordered eating and an eating disorder is determining whether or not behaviors and symptoms are diagnosable under the DSM as defined by the American Psychiatric Association. We must remember that when we say disordered eating, we are describing a series of behavior and it is not a diagnosis. This cannot; however, minimize the importance of treatment or severity of issues associated with problems that arise from disordered eating to include risk of associated health concerns.

There are many different causes of disordered eating which coincides at its function. These result in behaviors that may or may not be obvious. This list is not exhaustive; however, if you feel any of these apply to yourself or your friend or family member, please contact us for further assessment. Please note the following:

  • Weight fluctuations of gaining or losing weight repeatedly
  • Food rituals around specific foods or associated with not wanting to eat if these parameters are met
  • Being preoccupied with food that includes restricting foods, meals, or portions of meals
  • Exercising, using laxatives, fasting, or purging for nonreligious reasons, not wanting to eat food that are considered as ‘bad’ foods.
  • Feeling out of control or anxious around foods, mealtime, eating with or around others
  • Dieting frequently with a goal of losing weight
  • Feelings of shame, guilt, or negatively impacting your self-worth

Many feel that disordered eating is not harmful although those who have suffered will share that it has a significant impact on their mental and physical wellbeing. We have structured our programs with professionals to assist you with disordered eating struggles associated with various medical disturbance in your eating habits such as learning how to normalize your eating pre and post bariatric surgery, knowing best choices if you suffer from diabetes, night eating, emotional eating, working through negative thoughts associated with being pregnant and nourishing your growing body, and so many more. We are not a medical treatment facility, nor do we diagnose mental health or medical conditions, but we are able hone in and focus on disordered eating in a healthy way to make your overall health more optimal because you are able to create healthy eating behaviors.

Finally, what’s important for us to accept is that although disordered eating is not diagnosable under the DSM, it is a serious condition that is not always obvious. Those that struggle with disordered eating continue to struggle in silence noting that others may not understand their plight leading to emotional duress. We will work with you to help you move from Recovery to Recovered and learning to live without disordered eating.

Our Uniqueness- Why Us

Dani’s Garden Program was developed to work with teens, adults, and elderly of all races and genders who want to go from Recovery to Recovered. We know that disordered eating is often overlooked or minimized causing those who struggle with disordered eating to have issues that are often unnoticed. If you struggle with disordered eating, you know that there is not one form of treatment that will work for each individual client. This is why we have created a multifaceted concept that includes holistic treatment to treat the whole person. We utilize therapeutic coaching, integrative nutrition, movement coaching that Includes trauma focused yoga, art therapy, training and education of disordered eating, skills development coaching and so much more. Our approach is centrally focused on you and your needs to support finally moving from recovery to recovered.

Dani’s Garden is a subsidiary of FTC Programs that has been working with coaching clients in the U.S. and internationally since 2002. We have helped clients find their path to being fully recovered utilizing therapeutic coaching and are listening to your need for us to further expand our programs essentially to treat everyone. We continue to hear there are no programs in the area that focus on disordered eating so many who cannot be diagnosed under the DSM are forced to work to being recovered on their own. Dani’s Garden are for those who have disordered eating and cannot be diagnosed with an eating disorder. We are providing a path from Recovery to Recovered noting the importance of being able to life to its fullest.

While there are many components of Dani’s Garden, we want to stress the importance of having support when you need it the most. We work with clients to identify the purpose their disordered eating behavior serves for them utilizing skill development, therapeutic coaching, and experientials that incorporates several facets of their lives. Being recovered from disordered eating is a pathway to being true to yourself.

One important aspect of Dani’s Garden is that we are forever learning and growing which is why we use therapeutic coaching techniques in order to treat you as a whole person, not focusing on food but realizing understanding your relationship with food is essential to understanding how disordered eating effects your life. We integrate a variety of key principles that include skill building, mindfulness, and being in the moment as a path to help you find your way to Freedom from disordered eating. We believe being recovered will allow you to establish your own sense of normalcy while you learn what works best for you and working towards physical, emotional, and behavioral recovery.

Please feel free to contact me!