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At Dani’s Garden, you’ll embark on a transformative journey from recovery to wellness right from the start. Disordered Eating (DE) involves irregular eating patterns that don’t meet the criteria for an eating disorder diagnosis. These behaviors can include restrictive food intake, limited food choices, feelings of loss of control, and negative emotions such as shame or guilt. DE can be subtle and harder to detect, but it’s crucial to address it early as it may escalate into an eating disorder if left untreated. While individuals with eating disorders may exhibit some disordered eating behaviors, not everyone with disordered eating can be diagnosed with an eating disorder.

Dani’s Garden was established to proactively prevent the progression to eating disorders. We offer support in Preventive Care, Recovery and Support as a step-down program, and Recovery Maintenance. Our services cater to children aged 3 and older, working with their parents, as well as teens and seniors.


  • Hoarding and Food Insecurities: Individuals with food insecurities may develop disordered eating patterns as a response to uncertainty about their next meal. This can lead to hoarding food when it’s available, which may contribute to binge eating or other unhealthy eating behaviors.
  • Alcohol Abuse: Those struggling with alcohol abuse may also experience disordered eating. Alcohol can disrupt normal eating patterns and lead to poor nutrition. Additionally, some may use food to cope with the effects of alcohol, leading to binge eating or other disorders2.
  • Pregnancy: Pregnant individuals may experience changes in appetite and body image, which can lead to disordered eating. Concerns about weight gain during pregnancy might prompt restrictive eating or overeating.
  • Student-Athletes: The pressure to maintain a certain weight or body composition for performance can lead to disordered eating among student-athletes. Individuals may resort to restrictive dieting, excessive exercise, or adopt unhealthy eating behaviors to fulfill the requirements of their sport.
  • Military Personnel: Military personnel may face unique stressors that contribute to disordered eating, such as the need to meet strict physical requirements or cope with traumatic experiences. It has been observed that disordered eating is more prevalent in military populations than in the general public.
  • Pre and Post Weight Loss Surgery: Individuals who undergo weight loss surgery may have a history of disordered eating, and the surgery can sometimes exacerbate these issues. Post-surgery, patients may struggle with adapting to new eating patterns and may experience binge eating or other eating disorders.
  • Addictions: Addiction and disordered eating often co-occur. The compulsive behaviors associated with addiction can also manifest in eating habits, leading to disorders like binge eating or night eating syndrome.
  • Binge Eating: Binge eating disorder (BED) involves consuming large amounts of food in a short period and feeling a lack of control over eating. It’s a serious condition that can lead to obesity, depression, and other health issues.
  • Night Eating Syndrome: This disorder is characterized by consuming a significant portion of daily calories at night and waking up to eat. 



At Dani’s Garden, we prioritize accessibility, offering a virtual international treatment program designed to fit your schedule. Our programs span 4, 8, 12, and 16 weeks, with sessions held twice a week for 3 hours each. Groups are available from 9 am to 7 pm EST, ensuring flexibility for participants worldwide.

We provide 27 distinct group types, ensuring you are placed in a group that specifically addresses your disordered eating or eating disorder patterns. Our diverse therapeutic coaching includes:

  • Integrative Holistic Nutrition
  • Trauma-Informed Weight-Lifting
  • Somatic Movement
  • Therapeutic Art Coaching
  • Family and Intimate Partner Coaching
  • Recovery Coaching
  • Skills Development
  • Trauma-Focused Coaching
  • Open Processing

Our holistic approach aims to treat the individual comprehensively, addressing both physical and emotional aspects of recovery.

training and education program for family, caregivers, and treatment professionals 

Disordered eating is often misunderstood or misdiagnosed. Dani’s Garden sheds light on this issue through the ‘Dani’s Harvest’ training program. This bi-weekly educational initiative is open for registration and provides valuable insights into disordered eating and eating disorders, their indicators, and effective treatment approaches.

You can register and participate in our training and education bi-weekly programs by signing up HERE

Email: [email protected] for more information 


15 min free intake



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